This Monday 4 October is the Queen’s Birthday public holiday. Young’s Bus Service will be operating on a Sunday timetable for Route 20 (Capricorn Coast) services only.
Saturday and Sunday services are not affected.
Normal services will resume on Tuesday 5 October.
What is the significance of the Queen’s birthday?
Well it’s quite simple, to celebrate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s birthday which is actually earlier in the year. Hang on, does that make sense? Here’s the story behind today’s public holiday.
Queensland will take its Queen’s birthday holiday on October 3, well after Queen Elizabeth celebrated her actual birthday, on April 21. There is a long story behind why the Queensland Government decided to move the Queen’s birthday from earlier in the year to October. Historically, most of Australia except Queensland would enjoy a long weekend in October but Queensland would not. This caused some disruption among the business community, especially those with interstate offices. It was decided by the Palaszczuk Government to move the Queen’s birthday to October. 2020 is the fourth year the Queen’s Birthday has been celebrated in October.
To learn more about the Queen’s Birthday, click here.