Poor and tired, two words that aptly describe the life of a tertiary education student. While this phase of life can be difficult at the Most Unexceptional of times it’s nice to know that there is at least one answer to these two problems, Public transport.
Within Central Queensland, Young’s Bus Service operates within Mount Morgan, Gracemere and the Capricorn Coast and offers services to and from Rockhampton. For tertiary students, public transportation is a cheap and safe alternative to daily car travel. With high costs of education mixed with long hours spent studying car travel can be expensive and unsafe practice. Expensive due to the regular costs of car ownership including petrol, registration and servicing, while unsafe due to the onset of driver fatigue.
Young’s offer a variety of methods to reduce costs to those studying at either TAFE or University. Concessions provided by the Queensland Government Department of Transport & Main Roads entitle tertiary students to a 50% discount on all fares. A regular one way adult ticket from Yeppoon to CQUniversity would cost $5.80. While travelling on a concession card this price is reduced to $2.90. Furthermore, Young’s offer an Easy Travel Smart Card that hosts non-expiring digital credit that is designed to be a convenient way to pay for travel. While the card initially costs $22, it entitles the owner to a 20% discount on all services. Therefore the discount accumulates to a 70% reduction in cost and for the student traveling to CQUni, the price is only $2.32.
An important factor to note about public transportation in CQ is that for student concession to be valid the individual must possess a current student ID & reside in Queensland and must meet all of the eligibility criteria. Full information for tertiary / post secondary full time students is available from Translink.
Overall Public transport is the most efficient way to move. With it you can regain the time lost during car travel. A trip from CQU to Yeppoon is approximately 20 minutes. That’s 20 potential minutes to study, sleep or simply do nothing, all while traveling on the bus to your destination. Riding the bus is cheap, safe and overall the smartest way for tertiary students to travel. With nothing but time and money to gain why not save a lot of fuss by travelling to class on a Young’s Bus.