Before leaving the bus, check that you have all your belongings with you. The most common items found on buses are wallets and mobile phones.
To report lost property:
Email: or contact us online via this link and provide us with the following details
• A full description of the item or items you have lost
• Bus route / bus service number you travelled on
• Time of day you traveled
• Return daytime telephone number so we can contact you
For safety reasons, we avoid contacting bus drivers whilst they are driving, unless it is an emergency.
Our lost property policy is consistent with public transport providers across Queensland.
Young’s Bus Service will notify owners of items that are labelled or contain identification details as soon as practicable. We will retain lost items for a period of time, based on the perceived value of the item.
• Perishable items (such as food) and extremely low value items will be disposed of immediately.
• Items valued at less than $100 with no perceived sentimental value, will be retained for a period of one month.
• Items of sentimental value, such as photographs, religious items and autographed items, will be retained for a period of two months.
• Items valued at $100 or more, such as laptops, mobile phones, wallets or handbags, will be retained for a period of two months.
You can also report lost property to the Queensland Police Service.