Update – Monday 22 February 2021: Our Facebook page is back online now.
You’ve probably already heard the news that Facebook has restricted access to news in Australia. According to a Facebook representative “news content makes up just 4% of what people see in their feeds, but you’ll likely notice a difference when logging into the social network today.”
The ban also extended to non-news outlets such as Government pages including Queensland Health and the Bureau of Meteorology. Facebook even banned its own Facebook page. Unfortunately for us, Young’s Bus Service was also the target of this overnight anarchy. I don’t think Facebook realises Young’s Bus Service delivers humans, not news.
The Young’s Bus Service Facebook page now appears like this.
So what now? We’ve reported this issue to Facebook and hope to hear back from them soon. It’s probably going to be a while so we’re implementing an interim measure to ensure all our customers and passengers remain connected with us.
Thankfully our buses are powered by humans so it’s still business as usual! Stay connected with us on Twitter, Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) and our website.